Blue Dream

Blue Dream


Blue Dream

Blue Dream For Sale
Blue Dream For Sale is a cross of Blueberry and Haze and was reared to give the body high of an indica and the cerebral sativa impacts. Blue Dream is profoundly successful for torment the executives without the calming impacts of an unadulterated indica. Impacts are durable and she has a wonderful fruity taste.

At the point when a male plant of one strain pollinates a female of another strain, the seeds will be F1 mixtures of the male and female. These posterity won’t be indistinguishable from their folks. Rather, they will have qualities of the two guardians. Continued reproducing brings about specific attributes showing up with more prominent consistency.
It is outlandish for a bisexual to make any male-just seeds. A bisexual may make female just seeds and bisexual seeds. Additionally the female-just seeds may convey the bisexual quality.

SKU: N/A Category:

1/2 Pound, 1/4 Pound, Ounce, Pound

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